Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E)

For eligible individuals, with a Disability Rating of 20% or higher, the Department of Veterans Affairs Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Program is an option worth considering and applying for if you are out of MGIB benefits, or have none. Please follow these instructions in order to prepare a complete application package, that provides your VA VR&E Counselor a complete picture of your educational goals and enhances your approval prospects.

Once you have your provisional or official Fort Hays State University (FHSU) Student Education Plan, please accomplish the following:

Assemble two, 1/2-inch three-ring binders/with tabbed document protectors together, in the following order for your VA VR&E Counselor, with all of the documents filled out and signed where appropriate: (You keep the originals for your own post-VA VR&E approval submission -- the second binder is for you to keep!).

In the binders (in this order) insert the following:

  1. Your completed and signed VA Form 28-1900 or apply online.
  2. A copy (never the original) of your DD214.
  3. Notification of acceptance into FHSU.
  4. The Education Plan (Associates, Bachelors, Masters {MSE} or MLS provided by your degree-granting institution (FHSU).
    • FHSU's VA Facility Code Number is: 11000516.
    • Make sure your personal plan has the projected semester dates annotated. Contact your RTG mentor to complete these dates on a schedule that ensures academic success, while you continue to perform your JROTC instructor or other military duties.
  5. Your H.S. Principal's Letter of Endorsement for the degree as outlined in your FHSU Education Plan.
  6. Your RTG produced Computer Requirement Letter.

Once your application packet is completely ready, please contact your local supporting VA VR&E office to get yourself approved. Make an appointment with your local Voc Rehab office, and then contact your RTG & Associates' educational mentor at least two working days or more before arriving for your appointment (for additional coaching/mentoring).

Once approved, verify that a VA VR&E Counselor-signed VA Form 28-1905 has been submitted on your behalf to Fort Hays State University. Upon being assured of VA VR&E approval by your VA counselor, you can not register/finalize for classes until your VA Form 28-1905 is verified as being at the FHSU Financial Aid Office. Call this number to verify it is at FHSU's Financial Aid Office: 1-785-628-4408. Ask to speak with Ms. Robyn Brungardt, she is the VA Coordinator for FHSU.

Finally, please remember the following when you speak to your VA Counselor: You can register (for up to two courses at the undergraduate level) mid-way into any current semester for its second eight-week session, so you do not have to wait until the beginning of the next semester. Check either with your FHSU Academic Advisor or with your RTG mentor/coach to help make that happen in a timely fashion!

For information on the VA VR&E office nearest you, call 1-800-827-1000, and to see Chapter 31 VR&E subsistence rates Click Here.