Document Base

This RTG Webpage is essentially a web site document holder for items of special interest to JROTC Faculty.  Please use these links to enhance your understanding and processing needs. Most links and items can also be found elsewhere on our various program web pages, and are located here to ease your access in case you overlooked them in your prior review of our opportunities. We ask you to refer all questions back to your Service or Program Mentor, whose contact information is available on the CONTACT US page.

A.  Online Advanced Course Support for Legacy Courses:

This section has been deleted and is no longer supported.  Please use the syllabi provided at this link, or those provided on your RTG degree web page. 

B.  Fort Hays State University  

1.  Miscellaneous:

Dr. Donna Rice's Dissertation on EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE
Dr. Donna Rice - 6th Edition APA Template

2.  RTG Program Briefing Slides:

A.  Navy-Marines-Air Force - Fall 2020 - Mr. Jim Gomez:  1-210-552-0759

B.  Four Key States-Fall 2020 - Mr. Jim Gomez:  1-210-552-0759

C.  Army Brigade Briefings - Summer 2020 - Mr. Jim Gomez:  1-210-552-0759