AEP 826 (3 s.h. graduate credits) – The Good Teacher: Ethical Choices and Decisions
The purpose of this online asynchronous delivered two-part course is to develop new knowledge to help those witnessing ethical misconduct by colleagues to make appropriate interventions. As a character in an interactive movie participants will maneuver through the complex, emotional, and often morally ambiguous world of teaching. Students will make decisions at strategic points in the interactive movie answering thought-provoking questions about seemingly insignificant yet pivotal situations that teachers, administrators, leaders, and others who interact with young adults and America's youths face throughout the year.
Students will also conduct research into prevention programs and create a prevention program for their institutional or organizational environment.
Students must be registered with Fort Hays State University as a graduate or undergraduate student (degree or non-degree seeker) to receive academic (college) credit for the use of this DVD. To register for the graduate course review the AEP 826 syllabus provided at the left sidebar and call Jim Gomez at Area Code: 808.469.1039. (To register for the undergraduate version see links below for your syllabus and registration options.)
The undergraduate version of this course, TEEL 673, is now available at any of the following three Program links: Associates Degree, Bachelors Degree, or Non-Degree Seeker
TEEL 673 – The Good Teacher - Click on separate course syllabus for each credit level here:
1 Credit
2 Credits
3 Credits