DOD JROTC Certification
QUESTIONS, CALL 1.210.552.0759 or 1.808.469.1039
1. Five DOD DL Courses (Contemporary American Education, Secondary Methods, Learning and the Brain, Educational Psychology, and Classroom Management) are available through this site for all Non-Army JROTC Instructors, plus for all DOD dependents and other designated public and private school teachers approved by RTG & Associates. There is never a charge/cost to any student/participant for this service. Completion Certificates are automatically forwarded to your Service's Directorate for printing and insertion into your official files. Only successful efforts are maintained and forwarded. You will also receive the Certificate for your personal files so you can print or store them electronically. You must have a minimum exam score of 70%+ to pass each subject and meet DOD (and university academic credit) standards. Final exams, which are always randomized both in their questions and answers, can be retaken as many times as required in order to achieve the 70%+ passing score.
A. Click on the two principle support links below (para 3 & 4) in order to earn your NO COST Directorate Completion Certificates for these five DOD DL courses.
B. Course content is internal to the site. Subject matter pedagogy and tutorials fully support participant’s learning experience and are 100% online. Directorate supplied textbooks are no longer required, but can be used as references where desired.
2. For JROTC instructors and all others enrolled in a FHSU academic program, do not forget to review the syllabus for each course at the level desired, (AGS or BGS) undergraduate or (MLS or MSE) graduate. If university credit/degree work is a personal objective, there are course writing requirements and tuition associated with that effort in addition to the Certificate. Your Completion Certificate is Product One for each subject taken for university credit.
3. To earn your (DOD DL Course) Certificate of Completion, please click here first: FIVE DOD DL Courses – How to get started.
4. To initiate the certificate completion process click here: FIVE DOD DL Courses – Registration.
5. Currently contracted Army JROTC Instructors must use their Army Directorate’s designated website to complete their four unique Pearson DL modules. University academic credit for their Pearson DL modules remains a viable option with this program, as it has for the past decade at Fort Hays State University. When seeking university academic credit and Product One verification for three of these five DOD DL courses (Contemporary American Education, Learning and the Brain, or Secondary Methods), Army Instructors are welcome to utilize this site to support those needs at no charge after 1 December 2020, when ALMS goes away. A copy of their Completion Certificate will automatically be forwarded to their Directorate Instructor Management POC as a courtesy, as well as to the individual. The Five DOD DL Course Certificates will not count for any Army Directorate requirements, only towards degree and academic course activity. You may also use your Army Certificate/Pearson Transcript as Product One of your university courses where appropriate. For additional information call your RTG Army Mentor for this effort, Mr. Jim Gomez: 1-210-552-0759.
6. All others, if you have any additional questions please complete this link.
7. New instructors in Kentucky, Missouri, North Carolina, and Virginia have special state licensure needs/requirements these (DOD DL) academic topics are especially aligned with. That coursework is pre-approved by their state licensure agencies with FHSU. Information about those state unique needs are available by clicking on the Contact Me link above, and requesting it in the comments block.